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Showing posts from February, 2016

Name Card - Mission Reflection

1) What and why did you do each step in design thinking process? Each step of this process is necessary because they all build on top of each other. In Empathize, I asked the user for the requirements which I need to fulfill in my name card. I also had my partner tell me what were the most important parts so I remember to incorporate those (Digging Deeper). In Define, I established a common theme which was relevant to all of the digging deeper topics and I made a list of challenges that I might encounter. This is so I know what to do if any difficulties do come up. Ideate is when I created my first hard copy. I drew a simple sketch that had the digging deeper topics and I took feedback so that I can fix those problems for my final project. In this step I also started to brainstorm solutions. As I completed each step including my final prototype, I asked for more feedback so my name card would be completely to the users satisfaction. 2) What did you learn?  I learned that each ste

Name Card - Post Prototype/Test

Feedback: Jason said to outline the black on the music note. I did this by using 2 different duct tape patterns.

Name Card - Ideate

Feedback: The dog looks creepy Make hills ice cream Add lots of color Make bigger cloud Draw sunset