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Showing posts from January, 2016

Name Card - Define

Theme: Favorite food, season, color, pet, hobby Challenge: How am I supposed to create the pet? Do I just make the generic animal I have (dog) or specific? How do I incorporate weather in this card? Should I put a sun for sunny, or rain and clouds for cold?

Name Card - Empathize

I am making a name card for Jason . My name card will have my information. Questions: Food Weather What do I want to be when I grow up? Sports Carpet Pet Candy Cuisine Tech device Chair Favorite band Preferred brand of earbuds Tree Vacation Spot Color Digging Deeper: Food Weather Pet Candy Color

Software Development Life Cycle & Design Thinking Skills

Software Development Life Cycle System analysis, requirements gathering:  Defines project goals into defined functions and operation with the objective in mind. It is the process of gathering user requirements, diagnosing problems, and recommending improvements to the future system.   A series of steps followed by the developer are: 1. Gathering facts: End user requirements are obtained through documentation, client interviews, obervation and questionnaires - asking what the user is currently doing and if there are any specific improvements they want or prefer. 2. Scrutiny of the existing system: Identify pros and cons of the current system in-place, so as to carry forward the pros and avoid the ons in the new system. 3. Analyzing the proposed system: Solutions to the shortcomings in step two are found and any specific user proposals are used to prepare the specifications.  Systems design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layout

Analysis - Empathize on behalf of the user

Ways I would think on behalf of the user: Ask a wide variety of targeted customers questions through a survey. Mainly on their opinions on what would be comfortable, efficient, and useful Be open minded and make room for growth. Give benefits to the customers to entice and interest them in the product. Think about common and daily struggles to fix with your product. This should be appealing to the customer's concerns and issues. Create a support and help area for customers who do not quite understand. Make a user-friendly environment. Organized but unique

Remembering someone by their name

What are the things that help me remember someone's name? I try to associate them with common day objects. ex. Aarzu - "Our zoo" (but with less emphasis on the "ou") I also match the face with the name. Nicknames are also helpful. If you use the name in conversations, it may become easier to remember. Asking for the spelling and correlating will help with pronounciation.

My perspective on Computer Science

1. What is computer science? Computer science is the study of computers whether its software or hardware. 2. What do I know: I know a little bit of some languages. Java, Java Script, Python, HTML, and CSS are all languages that I have been experienced with. Although I have taken classes on all of these, I still do not completely understand them. 3. What do I expect to learn? I expect to learn how a computer functions and responds to the user's inputs. Organizing code is another component that I want to know.